Day 261 of 365
Sickle cell disease causes red blood cells to “sickle” or become banana shaped when they are stressed and this can make it difficult for them to flow through blood vessels. Normal red blood cells are round and flexible and can move easily through blood vessels, but some of the cells in patients with sickle cell disease become crescent moon shaped and stick to blood vessels. This slows or can stop blood flow through blood vessels, which can cause pain, damage to organs and tissues, or even lead to a stroke.
Some people with sickle cell disease need blood transfusions. Doctors can transfuse red blood cells from a matched blood donor without sickle cell disease or sickle cell trait to treat a patient with sickle cell disease.
Breathing problems are very common in children with sickle cell disease.Breathing issues are under-recognized in children with sickle cell disease but very common. These can include such things as asthma, sleep problems, and recurrent pneumonia. Nationwide Children's Hospital has a special pulmonary sickle cell clinic to help evaluate and treat these problems.
There is currently only one drug can reduce painful sickle cell-related episodes. Hydroxyurea is a safe, disease modifying medication that has been proven in many trials to reduce complications and reduce mortality in patients with sickle cell disease.
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